The Best and Worst Foods for Pet Cats
Raising a domestic animal can feel like a simple feat, but your furry friend deserves love and respect and happiness. This can all be compromised by unhealthy or dangerous eating choices. Their health can also be significantly put at risk when the wrong foods are introduced to their diet.
You want to give your cat the best and healthiest diet you can so that they can live a long, happy life. In addition to that, healthier foods mean fewer trips to the vet and less costly medical expenses. Whether you are attempting to add some "human food" into your cat's diet or deciding between brands of pet foods, it is important to know the facts of what works and what doesn't for your pet's system.
Meat and Protein
It is very common for a pet owner to want to treat their animal to a tasty treat of human food. In many cases, this is perfectly healthy and will be enjoyed greatly by your pet. In other cases, it can end up deadly.

Cats are able to eat meat and protein, but often have trouble processing fats if there is too much of it. Cutting off excess fat is imperative in raising a cat with a healthy digestive system.
Cats can definitely enjoy liver, lean deli meats, cooked eggs, and skinless chicken!
There are some meats though that should never be fed to a feline under any circumstances. The most important to avoid is raw fish. Cooked tuna is a common cat food, but it is also important to avoid a steady diet of this item because it can lead to mercury poisoning.
You may be wondering, is shrimp safe for cats? Like tuna, a little shrimp now and then is perfectly fine for your cat. It is a great source of protein in moderation.
Milk and Dairy
Under no circumstance should your cat be consuming a large quantity of dairy at any time. Dairy can be harmful to their system, and as they age, they tend to become lactose intolerant. This means that if at all, you may want to try a hard cheese or low lactose cheese for your cat's diet, rather than loading it up with dairy products.
Fruits and Veggies
Most cat owners don't think of fruits and vegetables as tasty treats for their pets, but they can be! Some fruits are perfectly healthy treats that a cat might enjoy. These include bananas, blueberries, peeled apples, honeydew, watermelon, and even cantaloupe.
Remember though! No seeds in any of this fruit! Ensure that the fruit you serve your cat does not have a peel, covering, or any seeds. You want to make sure they are able to swallow and digest it properly. These fruits can be blended, raw, or frozen to change the texture or consistency so that they can lap it up easily or chew it.
There are some fruits that can be dangerous though and should be avoided. Grapes and raisins should never be fed to your cat, as they can lead to kidney failure. Even tiny amounts of these fruits can cause vomiting and other illness. It is in the best interest of your cat's health to avoid these fruits at all cost.
The Big No-No's
It is important to know the foods that will do the most harm to your feline companion, so you can make sure to avoid introducing these foods to their diet. The most important ones to avoid are:
- Nuts
- Chocolate
- Milk
- Chives
- Garlic
- Onions
- Alcohol
- Raw fish
- And caffeine
Any human food should also be given in moderation. Even the healthy options are great treats and snacks but should not be gifted in excess. They can cause your pet to gain excess weight, become addicted, or cause digestive issues.
Knowing what is best for your pets can be difficult. With so much information out there, it can be hard to make the best choices all the time. But doing your research and taking precautions is a great way to ensure that your cat has a long life for all their nine lives.